HomeFresh WaterWHOA! Spooled To The Knot!

WHOA! Spooled To The Knot!


Every angler loves a good fight with a large fish, however, their biggest fear is the fish running away with all the line until it reaches the knot. This occurrence can be devastating, and many big fish have been lost this way before.

Urgent action must be taken to make sure that does not happen in today’s video on YouTuber Jay Siemens’ YouTube channel. Brandon, who has not yet caught a lake trout, joins Jay on a remote Manitoba lake and right away they get a bite.

After Jay passes the rod to Brandon, the fish keeps taking line and takes the spool down to the knot before Brandon quickly reacts to begin bringing the line back in. The first part of the video covers the road trip to the lodge they are fishing at. If you want to see some great fishing action, just jump to the 13-minute mark.

In ice fishing, it doesn’t get any more exciting than that! Jay was skimming ice out of the hole when the fish hit, so it’s understandable he didn’t realize what happened at first.

At first, it did look like he hit the line by accident with the scoop. As a result of the guide’s recognition that the strike was a strike, the battle to bring the giant lake trout to the surface was quite exciting.

Our favorite part of Jay’s videos is that he often leaves the rod in the hands of friends, family, and, in this case, his cameraman, instead of focusing on himself. It’s great to see someone spreading the love of fishing around to others. We think Brandon will be hooked on catching lake trout through the ice after this experience.

It just goes to show that you never know what’s going to bite under the ice. It may be a new state record!

Sources: Yourtube, Wideopenspaces

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