With a new catch-and-release state record that was set in mid-December, Idaho’s Dworshak Reservoir is continuing to cement its reputation as one of the best smallmouth bass fishing waters in North America.

A 23.75-inch smallmouth caught by Joey Walton at Dworshak in May 2022 has been officially verified as the state record, surpassing the previous 23.5-inch record caught by Travis Wendt in May 2022.

In accordance with the IDFG, Walton caught his fish on December 13, when it was rather cold.

A month-long search for a new state record culminated in Walton’s catch. In order to verify the catch, he used a measuring board to take photos. A giant smallie was released back into the reservoir after he caught it.

Biologists have determined that right now is the optimum time to pursue smallmouths at Dworshak Reservoir.

They have established a cyclical pattern on the waters that relates to the kokanee salmon population there.

When kokanee numbers are abundant, the smallmouths capitalize on them, sparking exponential growth. Last March, Eli Felts from the IDFG website forecasted that high-caliber catches would be likely in ensuing years.

Idaho Catch and Release Smallmouth Record

Idaho Department of Fish and Game


“Last fall I received multiple reports of smallmouth over 8 pounds being caught, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the current state record be challenged over the next couple of years,” FeltsĀ said in the release.

The current state record for weight is a 9.72-pound bass caught by Dan Steigers from Dworshak in October 2006, and that fish also measured 23.75 inches long.

The odds may be against it, but the recent release of the huge smallmouth from Dworshak Reservoir renews hope that the record could one day be broken.

As we enter late winter and into spring when the fish are at their plumpest size, we will have a closer eye on the reservoir and bring you all the updates if an angler catches this seemingly likely candidate for a 10-pound smallmouth.


Sources: wideopenspaces

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