HomeTunaThis Massive Bluefin Tuna is the First to Be Legally Caught in Scotland

This Massive Bluefin Tuna is the First to Be Legally Caught in Scotland


Nicknamed the Ferrari of the seas, the Atlantic bluefin tuna is arguably one of the most majestic and prized catches out there. Big game anglers are desperate to get their hands on one of these specimens and recently, a fisherman in Scotland just fulfilled that dream.

Recently, Angus Campbell was granted the only license in Scotland to legally fish for tuna commercially as part of a UK trial. His 164kg (26-stone) catch marks a turning point for Scottish fisherman and could be worth upwards of £5,000.

The Islander Shellfish firm in Stornoway, Lewis was proud to purchase Mr Campbell’s catch and sold out within hours due to its high quality and freshness. Ronnie Scott from Islander Shellfish spoke highly about this opportunity: “It’s fantastic. It’s the first one to be legally landed in the Western Isles and it’s from a sustainably managed fishery caught by a local fisherman and sold locally.”

He went on to explain how much feedback he got from customers who were impressed with its quality, but refused to disclose how much he paid for it- jokingly saying that he “had to get a mortgage”.

Local communities have been enthusiastic over this new opportunity with many taking to social media showing off their plates filled with this rare treat. This is especially exciting news since several ‘catch and release’ trials have been taking place since 2021 with island vessels participating.

As if that wasn’t enough, earlier this year 39 tonnes of UK quota was authorized by the International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas which allowed them issue ten licenses around the UK- all managed responsibly according to sustainable principles set forth by ICCAT.

Ronnie Scott stated that he hopes this will be just the beginning when it comes to furthering Scottish fishing industry opportunities: “Hopefully this will be start of something new.”

With more licenses being issued across other parts of Scotland, there are even more chances for fishermen like Angus Campbell make an income while continuing traditional practices as well as promoting sustainability among fisheries throughout Scotland.

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