Fishers Catch a Bizarre Creature You Have to See to Believe

I think we can all agree there are some pretty bizarre creatures out there that makes them seem almost impossible to be real. That’s exactly what happened in this case when a group of fishers accidentally caught this strange animal.
Do you ever wish that Pokemon were real? Well, it looks like we may have come one step closer to living out our dreams. Recently, a video of a strange-looking fish has been circulating on Twitter and it’s got viewers into a frenzy.
The clip was shared by the user Weird and Terrifying and shows a group of fishermen hauling out their catch. One of them reaches for an unusual round specimen that the other holds up to the camera – and it’s enough to make us think we’ve found our very own Pokemon.
The fish is bright red with two beady black eyes, making it look quite friendly – which could explain why everyone is calling it a Pokemon. This has obviously sparked some excitement among users as the video quickly gained over 51,000 likes and 4,500 retweets. Not only this, but people are also referencing famous lines from the game such as “Gotta catch ’em all”.
Fishers caught something strange
— Weird and Terrifying (@weirdterrifying) January 10, 2023
It turns out that this peculiar creature is actually a flapjack octopus. It’s known for its reddish color and eyes which give it an adorable appearance – so much so that they’re often made into plushies or toys.
Other users have gone further to suggest that this type of octopus gets its name from having the tendency to flatten itself…like a pancake – hence why they’re called “Japanese pancake devil fish”.
While finding this strange-looking fish can’t be compared completely to discovering actual Pokemon creatures, there’s no denying how exciting this find truly is. With every new discovery made in nature comes another step closer towards living in our wildest dreams – who knows what else lies beneath.
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