Just when you thought fishing couldn’t get any better a new study has shown that this enjoyable activity also has health benefits. And honestly it comes as no surprise that this popular outdoor activity can improve mental health.
A recent study conducted by researchers from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, Ulster University, and Queen’s University Belfast found that regular fishing can be beneficial for overall mental well-being. The research suggests that recreational angling could be a dual method strategy for promoting relaxation and positive mental health.
The study published in epidemiologia polled 1,752 males about their fishing activities, as well as other factors such as previous mental illness, exercise habits and overall wellbeing. Those who reported regularly participating in fishing were found to have nearly 17% lower risk of developing depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts than those who did not fish frequently.
Interestingly enough, the more often they fished the greater the benefit was to their mental health.
Dr Mike Trott one of the lead researchers from the Centre for Mental Health Research at the University of Queensland noted that while it’s already well known that fishing contributes positively to mental health this new research highlights how much more substantial these cognitive benefits are with increased frequency. He went on to say “We also suggest recommended recreational angling to friends or family as a means of improving mental health” but also noted if fishing isn’t someone’s thing there are other activities such as yoga, thai chi or even coloring which promote mindfulness too.
Psychiatrist Drew Ramsey added “It is great to see male mental health getting more attention… It is also important to note that fishing is correlated with one of the major contributors to the male mental health epidemic: excessive alcohol consumption”.
It goes without saying then this activity must be done responsibly and soberly in order enjoy its full range of benefits.
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