HomeViralFlorida Shark Attack Claims Another Victim

Florida Shark Attack Claims Another Victim

People in general tend to make a lot of jokes about the stereotypical “Florida Man”.

While it does seem that there are a lot of strange incidents that happen to the “Florida Man”, sometimes it just happens to be someone that lives in Florida that some of these things happen to.

There have been a lot of shark attacks in the news recently. Over July 4th weekend, there were four separate shark attacks on one stretch of beach in Texas alone.

Sadly, it seems that the problem of shark attacks has visited the Sunshine State.

A Florida man was out on a boat on Friday with friends fishing in the waters near Jacksonville, Florida when the man was bit on the arm and according to reports was bleeding severely.

Now, thankfully his companions had a good bit of first aid knowledge and were able to apply a tourniquet until first responders were able to arrive on scene.

He was then airlifted to a nearby medical facility where he is expected to make a full recovery.

The attack came just weeks after three shark attacks took place on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

In those attacks, a woman lost part of her leg and suffered other serious injuries.

It might just be me folks, but with this recent spate of shark attacks taking place in multiple states it might be time for some of us to rethink our fishing plans for the future.

I’m not a superstitious person by any means, but of all the times I fished in Lake Huron in my life I was never once attacked by a shark.

Sure, you would have the occasional loud drunk pilot his boat a little too close to yours but you didn’t have to worry about this many shark attacks.

People tend to have this notion that things aren’t going to ever happen to them.

Well, as someone who has seen some of the shark attack aftermath of the recent weeks I can tell you that it is definitely not a risk you want to take.

My advice would be to find a nice quiet lake or river to do your fishing.

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