HomeViralNightmare Fish Found In Local River

Nightmare Fish Found In Local River


Now friends, I have seen some absolutely strange fish in my time. However, the thing about the vast majority of fish that you might find on the other end of your line is that they look similar to every other fish you have seen.

Sure, you might find one that has a different color pattern, or the fins look a little bit different but you aren’t going to find too many fish that look like something out of a horror movie.

That being said, there are some fish that you might find every so often, in very specific places that look like they are something from a movie where an alien species is found that ends up killing all the astronauts on the space ship.

One of those places is in the Connecticut River, and the fish in question is something that looks like something that someone conjured up when asked to create the scariest looking sea creature imaginable.

This particular bit of nightmare fuel is the sea lamprey. Now, when you look at these things your first thought might be to nuke the site from orbit and go on your way.

Actually, they are quite a beneficial species as far as the Connecticut River goes.

I will admit that these things are as ugly as all heck.

They’re technically eels, and are basically shaped like snake more than a traditional fish replete with dozens upon dozens of teeth that look like something you wouldn’t want to get your fingers anywhere near.

So I know what you are thinking, if you see one of these you are going to get rid of it as quickly as you possibly can.

I wouldn’t recommend that, and studies have shown that they are actually pretty harmless to human beings. In other words, if we leave them alone they are going to leave us alone.

Despite being a “parasitic” species they are actually very necessary for maintaining the local ecosystem around the Connecticut River.

So the next time you are fishing in that area, and you see something that looks like an angry banana with eyes and a hundred teeth near your boat; just leave it be. It’s just trying to get through the day, same as you.

Plus, I hear they aren’t particularly delicious.

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