HomeViralTragedy On Popular River [VIDEO]

Tragedy On Popular River [VIDEO]


Folks, I cannot stress it enough, when you are fishing near a lake, ocean, or river you need to be wearing some kind of life vest.

I have said it time and time again to people that bodies of water can be very unpredictable. Look at the rip currents that swimmers get caught up in and drown every year.

I grew up living near a river, and there wasn’t a single time where I didn’t have some kind of vest on when I was fishing. There are just too many things that can go wrong.

Even when you are fishing on the end of a pier. I mean, what if you are by yourself and you end up falling in?

We only get one life, we need to make sure that we ensure we get as much of it as humanly possible.

Recently, game wardens in the state of Maine reporter that a man died after being pulled into the Kennebec River while fishing with his son.

Fifty-six year old James Wescott were fly fishing near the river with his adult son, when the elder Wescott attempted to walk out to a gravel bar located in the river. He lost his footing and ended up falling into the rushing water of the river.

Reports indicate that he was not wearing a life vest or a wading belt, and the water quickly washed him away.

The report continued to say that his son was able to reach out to him but was unfortunately not able to pull him to shore.

This was due to the added weight of Wescott’s fishing gear along with the current of the river.

Now, I feel for the family of Mr. Wescott. I hope this also serves as a warning for those that are fishing near any body of water in the future.

This was likely not the first time he had fished on that river, even in that particular spot.

However, no two fishing trips are ever going to be the same and this one resulted in a horrific tragedy.

Perhaps if he was wearing additional safety gear he might be here today.

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