HomeNewsAngler Lands GIANT Bull Shark From Shore

Angler Lands GIANT Bull Shark From Shore

Bull Shark

Have you ever seen or had the chance to land a giant bull shark from shore? Michael Hengel Did it!

The largest bull shark ever caught in Florida may have been caught by a Bradenton man while standing on the beach. While fishing near Virginia Key on Feb. 12, 2022, Michael Hengel, 22, a land-based shark fisherman, caught a huge female bull shark, which was described as a true shark versus man fight.

In his kayak, he went out 400 yards and dropped a 20-pound bait of bonita (small tuna), which is used to catch sharks, snapper, mahi, and mackerel.

You can catch some really big sharks if you use enough bonita, according to Hengel.

β€œIt was right after sunset. Rods started going off, and I set the hook and fought her for about an hour,” Hengel said. β€œ The moment I got her on the beach, I realized she was a monster.”

The bull shark measured 9 1/2 feet long, 55 inches in girth, and weighed between 550 and 600 pounds. The current state record for a bull shark is 517 pounds.

He said, “I knew this shark was well over the record. I can deadlift 500 pounds, but I couldn’t move it.”

The method Michael Hengel used is known as surf fishing. During surf fishing, you will stand on the shore and/or wade into the waves to catch fish. The method includes casting baits or lures and can be done from a fishing pier, rocky or sandy beach or even a rock jetty. In beachcasting, you cast near the shoreline or into the surf as you stand on the beach.

For this method of fishing its recommended a 7-12 foot medium-to-heavy action rod with a corrosion-resistant, heavy-duty spinning reel. A test line rated 17 to 20 pounds with a 30- to 40-pound test leader line (you can use a 50-pound leader line if strong currents or high winds require heavier sinkers).

Depending on the type of bait you’re using and the type of fish you’re trying to catch, you’ll need several different hook sizes. Choose sinkers weighing 3 to 8 ounces (if you’re fishing in areas with strong tides or currents, choose heavier sinkers).


Sources: USAToday, Niorrik

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