HomeNewsFather-Son Duo Catch Massive Cod Worth MONEY

Father-Son Duo Catch Massive Cod Worth MONEY


For one father-son duo, this fishing trip was a once in a lifetime, unforgettable experience. While out enjoying some quality time fishing, Soren Nilsson and his son Anders managed to catch an enormous 5 foot long cod, which was big enough to feed 35 people at least.

This skrei cod was caught off the coast of Lofoten – an archipelago in Norway known for its stunning views of the northern lights, small villages and fishing.

Soren and Anders were successful at snaring their catch after a short struggle using rubber shad lures and pirks as bait. Back at a makeshift dining table, they posed with their catch before it was devoured by family and friends.

Both Soren and Anders were pictured cradling the 5ft-long cod, which weighs around 20kg each, with both arms, which gave perspective on how big this fish really was – its top was in line with his chest. This particular type of cod is known as Norwegian skrei cod – lean meat with delicate fresh taste.

Unfortunately due to strict fishing laws in Norway, private fisherman are not permitted to sell their catches. A commercial fisherman would have been able to make quite a profit from this 20kg fish however.

At high-end restaurants 35 portions of this cod could fetch upwards of £500. With UK sales figures showing that Alaska pollock has overtaken cod for the first time last year (56199t versus 55400t), some British seafood restaurants have taken it off their menu completely due to expensive import costs.

With Erik Axner organizing this particular fishing trip, he stated how difficult it can be for anglers trying to get “the right fish” from these shoals – requiring good knowledge, skills and luck. From one such large fish like this you could expect 7kgs worth of fillet which would make 35 sizeable portions.

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