HomeBassPoacher Thought He Could Get Away With it..Nope! BUSTED

Poacher Thought He Could Get Away With it..Nope! BUSTED


As much as some of us might cuss the fish and game warden, you have to admit that they are necessary because some folks just have to do things illegally.

Sure, I think that we would all love to be able to catch as many fish as we wanted on a given day, filling our boats up until we could barely maneuver them.

The problem with that whole idea is that we need to also maintain the ecosystem while at the same time keeping the number of fish in a particular body of water at acceptable levels.

Sort of the way that when you are deer hunting in the fall you might be allowed only to kill a certain number of deer.

Anyway, I hate it when people go over their limits because it just sort of screws things up for the rest of us. It puts honest fisherman under the microscope a little bit more than we should be.

Hell, depending on the state, they might shut down recreational fishing altogether. That, my friends, would be a fate worse than death for me.

Which is why when I hear about the case of a man from Massachusetts that was fishing near New Castle, New Hampshire my blood absolutely boils.

New Hampshire Fish and Game reported that they had received reports that a boater had been fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, with no lights on at night.

“The tips started to come in that there’s a guy out here catching oversized striped bass. Everybody was catching oversize striped bass, but catch and release,” said New Hampshire Fish and Game Lt. Delayne Brown.

The problem was the fact that this one selfish fisherman wasn’t throwing his oversized ones back. He was keeping them for himself, which in this case was against regulations.

Well, there were more than enough people that saw what he was doing and reported him to the police.

After an investigation, it was revealed that he had caught way over his limit and he has been charged with licensing violations.

It’s people like this that when I hear about them I begin to wonder if the little bit of money they would get from the fish is worth screwing it up for the rest of us.

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