Another Shark Attack Caught On Video

The past couple of months have been a bonanza of sorts when it comes to shark sightings and attacks by sharks themselves.
The recent attacks off the coast of Texas and Florida should serve as a reminder that whenever you go into the water you are in the shark’s territory.
That’s the thing that I don’t think a lot of people understand about shark attacks is that ultimately, you are standing in the shark’s home.
You shouldn’t be surprised if something ever happens involving you and a shark if you go into the ocean, it’s just the law of averages at that point.
That being said, it’s always tragic and a very horrible situation whenever someone gets bit or killed in a shark attack.
As you have probably seen from the shark attacks in recent weeks and months, those creatures are basically the living version of a chainsaw.
Take for example in incident that happened in the water in Tybee Island, Georgia recently.
Video captured swimmers scrambling to get out of the water as one swimmer noticed a shark fin popping out of the water.
Thankfully the people in the water were able to get out in time before anyone got hurt.
I have to think that must have been a frightening experience for those people, given the number of shark attacks that have taken place in recent weeks across the United States.
Now, I could be glib and say that the best way to protect yourself from a shark attack is to start swimming in lakes, but I realize how dangerous of a situation this could have been.
My advice, my honest advice is very simple. Always keep your head on a swivel when you are at the beach.
If you notice a bunch of people moving in one direction, it might be a good idea to move with them. Don’t ever stray out too far into the water either.
Unless you are in a boat, I would recommend staying no more than a short walk from the shoreline.
Point is, when we are in the water we have to remember that the sharks live there and we are just visiting.